Red Med Corporate Finance was registered with the AMMC on August 3, 2023, under the registration number DE-CIF-04-23, with the aim of carrying out financial investment advisory activities falling under category no. 2 as provided in Article 2 of the AMMC circular no. 01/20 related to Financial Investment Advisors, namely:
* Advice and assistance in financial management and financial engineering on behalf of organizations or legal entities making public calls for savings;
* Advisory services related to public calls for savings operations;
* Advising companies on stock market listings and their support after said listing.
Red Med Corporate Finance is a subsidiary of the Red Med Capital Group established in 2004, which includes four other subsidiaries: Red Med Asset Management, Red Med Private Equity, Red Med Securities, and Red Med Real Estate.
Red Med Corporate Finance has in its client portfolio major reference groups that it supports in their financial operations. Among them is BMCI with advice and placement for a perpetual bond loan of 750 million dirhams and SOMAGEC with advice and placement of its subsidiary Assifil buildings for a bond loan of 300 million dirhams.